Kate’s Story
I met Hannah in August of 2020 at Garden State Barbell in Westville, NJ.
After a surgery on my colon that improved my quality of life and ability to exercise tenfold, I was eager to strength train at some local gyms. We all know COVID-19 put a six month damper on many establishments being open and as I trained desperately in my living room every day, my long-time friends told me that Garden State was quietly open and I should start powerlifting. So I did.
Armed with a nearly-in-med-school competitive coach, it was time to master nutrition. I was always interested in feeding my body properly and my enormous appetite needs moderation. Even though I was already a clean eater, I went too far with it before I met Hannah and a local bodybuilder instructed me to eat very little and restrict hugely. It wasn’t helping my strength training and I clearly had low glycogen stores.
At this point, I see this little cutie wearing the most colorful pants in the world. She was squatting sheepishly in a corner rack. Little did I know, her deadlift was three times her body weight. This girl is basically a cherub. Sweet, petite, always ripped, quirky and secretly more confident and competent than anyone would guess. This girl was interning at our gym as a dietitian and graduating school at the same time she was getting married. This girl did it all. She was friendly and warm immediately.
Once I found out the services she offered, I felt like the luckiest newbie powerlifter ever. I had been struggling with body image for years. Some of this was due to the aforementioned colon issue I had, so with this fixed, it was time to feel like a master of my body. I wanted to be easy to work with and Hannah was already on top of it. She insists on open conversation and questions. She refused to give me anything restrictive and calculated my macros and daily calories right there on the spot. This was the last day I had any significant food issues. Occasional binging and purging? Gone. Weird guilty restrictions? Gone. Discomfort in going out to eat and indulging here and there? Gone. The instant and long term relief that Hannah provides is a godsend.
And it’s not just me. Many other athletes from our gym have used her coaching and expertise too - they perform amazingly at meets, comfortably navigate prep and weigh-ins and are able to maintain a sustainable lifestyle and positive self image. She is the antidote to body dysmorphia. She heals. She educates. We love Hannah. She’s diligent, fun, friendly, zero percent judgmental, warm, approachable, strong, dedicated, even while dealing with her own medical issues!!
Hannah is the easiest person to work with on Earth and she and her amazing husband make hilarious and educational videos that I systematically save on YouTube and Instagram. She’s a smart, passionate, warm and powerful ally and RD. The difference she’s made for her clients is unmatched, athlete or not, disordered eating or not, weight loss or maintenance, Hannah has you covered.
— Kathleen K., 36
I met Hannah in August of 2020 at Garden State Barbell in Westville, NJ.
After a surgery on my colon that improved my quality of life and ability to exercise tenfold, I was eager to strength train at some local gyms. We all know COVID-19 put a six month damper on many establishments being open and as I trained desperately in my living room every day, my long-time friends told me that Garden State was quietly open and I should start powerlifting. So I did.
Armed with a nearly-in-med-school competitive coach, it was time to master nutrition. I was always interested in feeding my body properly and my enormous appetite needs moderation. Even though I was already a clean eater, I went too far with it before I met Hannah and a local bodybuilder instructed me to eat very little and restrict hugely. It wasn’t helping my strength training and I clearly had low glycogen stores.
At this point, I see this little cutie wearing the most colorful pants in the world. She was squatting sheepishly in a corner rack. Little did I know, her deadlift was three times her body weight. This girl is basically a cherub. Sweet, petite, always ripped, quirky and secretly more confident and competent than anyone would guess. This girl was interning at our gym as a dietitian and graduating school at the same time she was getting married. This girl did it all. She was friendly and warm immediately.
Once I found out the services she offered, I felt like the luckiest newbie powerlifter ever. I had been struggling with body image for years. Some of this was due to the aforementioned colon issue I had, so with this fixed, it was time to feel like a master of my body. I wanted to be easy to work with and Hannah was already on top of it. She insists on open conversation and questions. She refused to give me anything restrictive and calculated my macros and daily calories right there on the spot. This was the last day I had any significant food issues. Occasional binging and purging? Gone. Weird guilty restrictions? Gone. Discomfort in going out to eat and indulging here and there? Gone. The instant and long term relief that Hannah provides is a godsend.
And it’s not just me. Many other athletes from our gym have used her coaching and expertise too - they perform amazingly at meets, comfortably navigate prep and weigh-ins and are able to maintain a sustainable lifestyle and positive self image. She is the antidote to body dysmorphia. She heals. She educates. We love Hannah. She’s diligent, fun, friendly, zero percent judgmental, warm, approachable, strong, dedicated, even while dealing with her own medical issues!!
Hannah is the easiest person to work with on Earth and she and her amazing husband make hilarious and educational videos that I systematically save on YouTube and Instagram. She’s a smart, passionate, warm and powerful ally and RD. The difference she’s made for her clients is unmatched, athlete or not, disordered eating or not, weight loss or maintenance, Hannah has you covered.
— Kathleen K., 36